I guess my dream changed, but the place where I want to end up stayed the same. When I was younger my ultimate dream was to become an actress, and now I honestly can't tell you exactly where my future will lead me. However, one thing that's for sure is I want the NYC to be in it.
Bought this beauty at a souvenir shop when I was about 13 years old. I was in the city one summer, exploring the possibilities for a career in acting. It was the first time that I got to travel "parentless". How fitting, eh? First time that I got to travel alone is the place I want to end up.
Looking back, I have to give my parents a BIG THANK YOU for letting me explore at such a young age. They have always instilled creativity in my life. I did just about everything I wanted to do as a little kiddo. Mamae would take me to piano and violin lessons, ice skating lessons, summer art and theater camp, ballet recitals, countless of plays and etc. My Mamae actually wanted to pursue a career in art. I guess you can say that is where I got my endless supply of creative juices. Obrigado minha Mamae linda. This one is for you!! Beijoss
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